
Showing posts from May, 2011

Silverlight Context Menu

Silverlight 4. I can't believe how many times I've had to search for this one and remembered what it was. So, it gets added to my permanent list of memories. The only real trick to get the right namespace is to drag a MenuItem onto the page, then delete it and add this code inside whatever you want to have a context menu. < toolkit : ContextMenuService.ContextMenu >   < toolkit : ContextMenu >     < toolkit : MenuItem Header ="Add child"/>     < toolkit : MenuItem Header ="Remove" />   < toolkit : ContextMenu > < toolkit : ContextMenuService.ContextMenu >

Sorting the results of a MS SQL table-valued function

For whatever reason, MS SQL table-valued functions don't get the respect they deserve. Linq to entities pretends that they don't exist at all. I mean, seriously, how hard would it be to allow you to import them in the same way that you can import stored procedures? Anyway, as a mechanism for abstracting your database schema, I like them. They are pre-compiled, strongly typed, and results cached, so they can get very fast. One thing they don't do well is return sorted values. The following code won't work well when contained in a table-valued function: SELECT * FROM Table1 ORDER BY Column1 This requires us to resort to doing something like this: SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM Table1 ORDER BY Column1 And even that result can be ignored sometimes. Consider a table that consists of a key, HierarchyId , and a description. We want to unwind the hierarchyId so that we have key, parent key, and description. This is necessary if we are working with the hierarchy outside of